Friday, June 13, 2008

R. Kelly NOT GUILTY...R. Kelly NOT GUILTY!!!!

Give us us Free, GIVE US US FREE...

So the judge had a tough time deliberating the R.Kelly vs. Toddler case and I can imagine that his thought process went something like this....

Judge thought 1: I can't believe this black, handsome man, who can sing (plus he's rich!) has to go around having sexual intercourse with and pissin' on lil girls...i just don't get it. I mean I can even pull a college intern every now and then. He believes he can fly and he believes he can smash infants and get away with it! I'm sending this dude to prison no doubt.

Judge thought 2: this child molestor sure does make some good music though...that 12 Play and Double-Up were off da chain...and now that I think about it his music probably contributed to the birth of my beautiful grandchildren. For that matter his music probably contributed to the kids, and grandkids of about everyone in this court room. Plus he be makin' those Hits!!!! What am I thinking, I need this R&B Thug in the studio!...Sex meeeeee, Baby, Baby....Keep it on the Down Lowwww..Nobody has to KNOWWWWW!!!

Judge Final thought: due to the fact that he isssss Kellz, a.k.a. the Pied Piper, and has produced countless hits, not to mention the girl he molested and relieved himself on is a heffer, I think I'm gonna just ignore this lil sex offender law just this once....I mean he made Bump n Grind son! Bump n Grinddd and you know don't none of us see nothin' wrong wit a lil' bump n grind!!! So go Free R. Kelly, GO FREE AND MAKE THOSE R&B THUG HITS!!! As much as we hate to admit it, We love you, We all love you!

p.s. check your closets tonight, he's baaaccckkkkkkk!!!

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