Tuesday, May 27, 2008

From Your Head to Your Toes, I Will Love You So!!!

"you are more than a wife thing, see you as a my life thing, need you in my life whenever i'm breathing...."

-eric roberson-

Question: I felt deep love, Like I couldn't be happier. What about you?

Answer: "Whether you are right beside me or far away/ Our love trancends time and space/ no matter where we are/ its always in the right place/ in your heart and mine/ until the end of time..."



Anonymous said...

Now THAT is a good post... as a random blog reader, I'd say that love is REAL. I'm sure she wishes she could express herself with words but will do it with hugs and kisses instead... ;)

You even love her long fingers and toes?! LOL

Anonymous said...

Dude! That's some heavy s#*t! And long fingers and toes?? Whew! You gonna get some Mclovin!!

Seventeenth Letter said...

hahaha....i dont know about long fingers and toes....my creativity is just off da yelzie right now! loves it!

Anonymous said...

I love you... Always and forever. :)

Anonymous said...

Annnd just as an update... I still love you! Always and Forever...